*10/2016: 94,609,000 US adults not participating in workforce, 425,000 increase from September.
*9/2016: 94,184,000 US adults are not participating in the workforce.
*6/2016: 94,330,000 US adults are not participating in the labor force.
*5/2016: 94,708,000 US adults are not participating in workforce; 458,000 dropped out from April to May.
*4/2016: Labor Force Participation Rate: 62.8%
*9/2015: 94,610,000 US adults are not participating in the labor force (56,647,000 women); labor participation rate: 62.4%
*6/2015: 93,626,000 US adults are not participating in the labor force; labor participation rate: 62.6%,
*4/2015: 93,194,000 US adults are not participating, 56,167,000 of which are women.
*7/2014: 92,120,000 US adults are not participating in the labor force.
*6/2014: 92,009,000 US adults are not participating in the labor force.
*5/2014: Labor participation rate: 62.8%. 92,594,000 US adults not in the labor force.
*4/2014: Labor participation rate: 63.2%.
*12/2013: Labor participation rate is 62.8%. Americans not in the labor force: 91.8 million.
*10/2013: 720,000 Americans leave the labor force. The labor force participation rate falls to 62.8%, the lowest level since 1978. One out of three adults is neither working nor actively looking for work.
*9/2013: 90,609,000 able bodied Americans are not participating in the US labor force, up 136,000 from August.
*8/2013: Labor participation rate is 63.2%, lowest August since 1978.
90,473,000 able bodied Americans are not participating in the US labor force.
*3/2013: Labor participation rate at 63.3%, labor force declined by 496,000 in March (663,000 if disability, welfare included). 89,967,000 not in labor force (9,460,000 have dropped out since Jan. 2009).
*2/2013: BLS: 296,000 Americans drop out of the labor force in February.
Number of people not in the labor force: 89,304,000.
*1/2013: BLS: 169,000 Americans drop out of the labor force in January.
Number of people not in the labor force now stands at a 89 million, up from 80.5 million in January 2009. There are currently 8.5 million more Americans not in the labor force than just four years ago.
*November 2012: BLS labor participation rate is 88,883,000 at 63.2%
*August 2012: 88,921,000 Americans not participating in the work force.
*In April 2012 the number of people not in the labor force rose by a whopping 522,000 from 87,897,000 to 88,419,000. This is the highest on record. The reason why the unemployment dropped to 8.1% is that the labor force participation rate just dipped to a new 30 year low of 64.3%.
*In March 2012 the number of people not in US labor force at all time high at 87,897,000.
*January 2009, there are 80,507,000 able bodied Americans not participating in the US labor force.