Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The reality of Marxism according to The Unperfect Society by Milovan Djilas

Communism is no more disssimilar to religion than any other movements that have ultimate ideal objectives; and in that respect it is Utopian...
Marxism's theory of the struggle for power is too firmly anchored to its dialectical bedrock to be flexible enough to be brought into harmony with the sciences.
Marxism must be applied to other sciences as a routine party duty; everything is subordinate to the current needs of the party.
Marxism, as an ideology, must be employed to social ideals - morality, religious, metaphysical, judicial, political, and artistic: "It is not men's consciousness that determines their social being, but their social being that determines their consciousness."Communism makes the claim to be the only ideology.
Incongruities of Marxism with environment and social needs have made the Communists increasingly dogmatic as they struggle for power; it is a fight for survival between themselves and the unbelievers.
Marx and the Communists maintain that the disappearance of social groups is inevitable, and by giving themselves the right to abolish all social distinction, they have gained a monopoly in the interpretation and production of ideas.

-The Unperfect Society by Milovan Djilas, 1969